
User manuals

Integrum Profi User Manual

My Integrum User Manual

Integrum Companies User Manual

Integrum Social Networks Presentation

Integrum Social Networks User Manual


Integrum Profi short video

My Integrum short video

Integrum Companies short video

Integrum Social Networks short video

Free Webinars

Want to learn more about Integrum services? Contact us at to schedule a free webinar tailored to your needs.

Our expert will demonstrate Integrum tools using clear on-screen examples and you will be able to ask questions. Webinars can be useful for new and advanced users.

Webinar languages: English or Russian.

Average length: 40-60 minutes.


Frequently asked questions

Why should I pay for Integrum service if I can search Internet for free using search engines?

1. Most of Integrum sources are available upon subscription.

2. With Integrum tools you the search is made not in the Internet but within the full-text information on Integrum server. This guarantees the unique speed and relevancy of search results.

3. Our own search engine "Artefact" is designed to process texts in Russian. It is the result of 30 years experience in linguistic technologies, based on the Russian Grammar Dictionary, vastly supplemented by the contemporary lexis and linguistic algorithms.

How can I speed up the process of getting information?

Select only those databases groups that you want to use. You can do it by clicking the appropriate checkboxes at the query page. You can do the same even within the SELECTED GROUP (e.g. "Central Press") by clicking the appropriate checkboxes for the databases you need (e.g. "Trud").

Can I work with Integrum service using several computers and the same login and password?

Yes, but not simultaneously. Each new user blocks the previous one. For multi-user access fill in the subscription form.

Can I receive the full version of the newspaper or magazine?

Yes, you can receive the full version of any newspaper or magazine. In order to receive the full version you have to choose the needed database group ( for example "Central Press") and choose the newspaper you are looking for (for example "Trud"). Push  "See documents" at the right. On the top of the page you will see the list of numbers after the word "List of titles" which correspond to newspaper issues group (number 1- corresponds to the oldest issues)

I do not have a keyboard with Cyrillic letters. How can search in the Integrum databases?

Choose transliteration encoding when you are entering the system. Enter your transliterated query with ## using English keyboard , for example, #ekonomika#. The second option is our Virtual Keyboard. You can find it on the query page. Finally, for the simplest queries it is possible to use the TRANSLATE option provided by PROMT translator. For example, a query "Economic development of Russia" will be translated, if necessary, to "экономическое развитие России ".


Quite a lot of examples of how Integrum can be used in humanities can be found in the recent book Integrum: Quantitative methods and the humanities - edited in Japan by Professor G. Nikiporets-Takigawa and foreworded by Professor Viach. Vs. Ivanov. The book is available at MIPP International on-line store.

In case you have any other questions or require assistance with Integrum services, please, contact us at

In order to set up a trial access to Integrum database services, please, register on our site and choose Trial in Subscription Type.
