
Comparison of word frequency

Linguists may enjoy the most comprehensive dictionary of Russian word frequency. The service is based on Integrum’s mass-media databases consisting of more than 350 million documents, thus presenting the most comprehensive layer of the modern Russian language. E.g. you can easily check which verb is used more often: достичь or достигнуть.

Step 1. Login

Enter your login and password at Then click the button “Sign in”. You will find yourself on the page with the list of the services available. Choose Russian or English language from the list.

Step 2. Entry into the Dictionary

Choose Dictionary of Word Frequency among other services. Choose a group of publications or all mass media (Все СМИ). Enter the first word and press the button «Найти слово!»

The dictionary shows that the word «достичь» is not used very frequently – only in 0,82 % of all cases. Press the button «Отобрать слова! » in order to compare this word with another.

Return to the page of "Частотный словарь" and repeat the same steps with the word «достигнуть»:

As soon as you select the necessary words, press [отобранные слова].  According to the dictionary the verb «достигнуть» is used more often:

Step 3. Comparison of words frequency during the last 10 years

If you want to see the dynamics of these two words usage in the course of a certain period of time the service Comparative Statistics will help you.

Return to the Services page and choose Comparative Statistics.

Create a new query group with two query words: «достигнуть» and «достичь»

Indicate the period, the date range, the kind of line, the mass media groups and press the "Пуск" button.

The results show that during the 10 years the frequency of word «достигнуть» has increased threefold.

This method will be interesting for all those who study the quantitative development of Russian language use.
