
Find the first mentioning of the term “mortgage” and track down the dynamics of references to this word in the Russian mass media. Research the number of publications, in which the term “mortgage credit” is mentioned together with the expression “materinskii kapital".

Let’s suppose you’d like to find the first mentioning of the term "mortgage" in the Russian press.

Step 1. Login

On the home page of enter your login and password. Then click the button  “Sign in”. You will find yourself on the page with the list of the services available. Choose Russian or English language from the list.

Step 2. Entry into Artefact

Choose Artefact among other services. The following settings are installed in Artefact on default: searching profile “Advanced”, date range “One week”, databases “ Mass media”.

Step 3. Query composing, choosing databases and date range

In the search field you should type the key word "ипотека", choose the databases all mass media and date range 1992-1994.

The following page displays all the sources with relevant documents.

Step 4. Looking through the publication fragments

By clicking Titles in the top left corner you will get the fragments of relevant documents.

In order to get the full text you must click on the title of the document.

We have found that the draft law on margin credit was being developed in 1993.

Step 5. Track down the dynamics of references to the word "mortgage" in the Russian mass media

In order to track down the dynamics of references to this word, choose the service "Comparative statistics. Diagrams" among other services. Then choose Comparative Statistics, which allows comparing the number of hits for particular subjects (companies in the same sphere, politicians, and businessmen).

Compose a new query group. Choose ADD in the field QUERY GROUP in the second drop-down list and press OK. Name a new query group, for example Ипотека, and press OK.

Press ADD A QUERY and enter ипотека in the field QUERY.  Then name the query, for example ипотека, choose the color and press OK.

Specify sources, in our case all mass media, choose the date range 1992-2009 with an interval yearly, choose absolute or relative scale and press SEARCH.

Step 6. Viewing the results

The following graph shows how often the word "mortgage" was mentioned in the Russian mass media since 1993.

If you’d like to get a report in different formats, you can use the functions Excel report, Text report, Html report at the bottom of the interface. The results in the form of tables will open on separate pages.

Step 6. Research the number of publications, in which the term “mortgage credit” is mentioned together with the expression “materinskii kapital"

In order to find out the number of publications, in which the expression "materinskii kapital", monetary allowance provided to the citizens of the Russian Federation for the birth or adoption of the second child, is referred to alongside with the term "mortgage credit", choose "Comparative Statistics. Diagrams" among other services. Then choose "Relative Statistics".

Create a new query group. Choose ADD in the field QUERY GROUP in the second drop-down list and press OK. Name a new query group, for example ипотека/материнский капитал, and press OK.

Press ADD A QUERY PAIR and enter ("ипотечный кредит" и "материнский капитал")/п in the field QUERY 1,  "ипотечный кредит"– in the field QUERY 2. By the second query all the publications about mortgage credit will be found. By the first query all the documents, in which mortgage credit is mentioned together with the expression "materinskii kapital", will be found. Quotes in «ипотечный кредит» and "материнский капитал" serve for searching the whole phrase with strict word succession. The query, placed into the brackets with the element /п after the brackets, ensures that these words will be found in one sentence.

Then name a query pair, for instance ипотека, choose the color and press OK.

Specify the date range and interval, 27.10.2008 – 27.04.2009 with an interval monthly

Choose form of results viewing (line, line with markers, columns, columns 3D).

Mark the search area, in our case all mass media.

Step 7. Viewing the results

Click SEARCH and the results will be ready in a moment. The following graph shows that the largest ammount of publications on mortgage credit alongside with the "materinskii kapital"was observed in the end of January 2009. It was caused by the decree adoption in January 2009, according to which the monetary funds of the "materinskii kapital" can be taken to pay the first deposit of the mortagage credit.

The query groups in the service Relative Statistics are automatically saved and can be added and renamed in further work.


