
The relative analysis of hits for particular subjects. How often is Vladimir Putin being mentioned in press in connection with law-enforcement agencies or "siloviki"?

Let’s suppose you’d like to analyze how often the current Prime Minister of Russia is associated with law-enforcement agencies in the Russian mass media from the year 2000 to the present day.

Step 1. Login

On the home page of enter your login and password. Then click the button  “Sign in”. You will find yourself on the page with the list of the services available. Choose Russian or English language from the list.

Step 2. Entry into the service “Comparative and relative statistics”

Choose Relative statistics on the opening page. The service “Relative statistics” is used for studying the detailed structure of object mentioning in the press and is able to reveal the dependence of mentioning of one object on another.

Step 3. A new query group composing

Choose ADD in the field QUERY GROUP in the second drop-down list and press OK. Name a new query group, for example Силовики, and press OK.

Press ADD A QUERY PAIR and enter ((Силовик* или "силовые группы") и Путин)/п in the field QUERY 1,  Силовик* или "силовые группы"– in the field QUERY 2. By the second query all the publications about siloviki will be found. By the first query all the documents, in which Putin is mentioned together with siloviki, will be found. The element * after the word силовик means finding all the words which begin with силовик. Quotes help to find the specified phrase limited in it in strict order. Brackets serve to unite synonyms. The element /п after the brackets helps finding these words within one sentence.

Then name a query pair, for instance Силовики, choose the color and press OK.

Step 4. Choosing the date range and interval

Specify the date range and interval, 01.01.2000 – 08.12.2010 with an interval quartely.

Choose absolute or relative scale, form of results viewing (line, line with markers, columns, columns 3D).

Mark the search area, in our case all the sources.

Step 5. Viewing the results

Click START and the results will be ready in a moment. The following graph shows that in the end of 2007 in more than 50% of publications on siloviki there were references to Vladimir Putin. Such splash was probably caused by the elections of the President of the Russain Federation and analyses of the alignment of forces on the Russain political arena conducted by the mass media.

If you’d like to get a report in different formats, you can use the functions Excel report, Text report, Html report at the bottom of the interface. The results in the form of tables will open on separate pages.

The query groups in the service Relative Statistics are automatically saved and can be added and renamed in further work.

