
Information search about current defense establishment in Russia

Let us suppose that you would like to find any information on the current defense establishment in Russia.

Step 1. Login

On the home page of enter your login and password. Then click the button  “Sign in”. You will find yourself on the page with the list of services available. Choose Russian or English language from the list.

Step 2. Entry into Artefact

Choose Artefact among other services. The following settings are installed in Artefact on default: searching profile “Advanced”, date range “One week”, databases “ Mass media”

Step 3. Query composing, choosing databases and date range

In the search field you should type key words which may help you to find necessary information. The following query may be composed:
("военно-промышленный комплекс" or ВПК) (состояние or оценка or положение or происходит or произойдет or развитие or мощность or предприятие) (Россия or "Российская Федерация" or РФ)

Operator OR means that the relevant document will contain any of listed words, synonyms for «военно-промышленный комплекс», «состояние» и «Россия»

Quotes in «военно-промышленный комплекс» serve for searching the whole phrase with strict word succession.

Spaces between the word, phrases and pairs of brackets are equivalent to the logical operator AND:
("военно-промышленный комплекс" or ВПК) and (состояние or оценка or положение or происходит or произойдет or развитие or мощность or предприятие) and (Россия or "Российская Федерация" or РФ)

On the right of the search field we must tick the square box “in one sentence”. This specification assures that in all found documents all the query words will be found in one sentence.

 NOTE. It is not necessary to tick the square box in case you have typed [/p] in your query:
( ("военно-промышленный комплекс" or ВПК) and (состояние or оценка or положение or происходит or произойдет or развитие or мощность or предприятие) and (Россия or "Российская Федерация" or РФ))

Select all Mass media, «Information of governmental organizations», «Official statistics»; date range – «In 2007», press the Search button. The following page displays all the sources with relevant documents. We have found 4208 documents.

Step 4. Looking through the publication fragments

By clicking Titles in the top left corner you will get the fragments of relevant documents.

In order to get the full text you must click on the title of the document.

Step 5. Making Report

If you want to make a review of retrieved documents you may use a special option “Basket”. You may send a document to the Basket just from the Title page or after opening the full text.
On the title page you should tick the square boxes to the left of chosen documents or indicate “select all”, after that you must click “To the Basket” button. If you have decided to send the document to the basket after opening the whole text, please, click [  ] on the top of the page.

When you open Basket you will see all the documents you have saved. Mark the documents you would like to include in your report and press the button “Создать отчет” (“Make a report”)
