Biography and career history tracking
Let's suppose you have to compile the curriculum vitae of Boris Berezovsky, a famous Russian billionaire.
Step 1. Login
On the home page of enter your login and password. Then click the button “Sign in”. You will find yourself on the page with the list of the services available. Choose Russian or English language from the list.
Step 2. Entry into Artefact
Choose Artefact among other services. The following settings are installed in Artefact on default: searching profile “Advanced”, date range “One week”, databases “ Mass media”
Step 3. Query composing, choosing databases and date range
In order to find the biography you should use searching interface Typical query.
This interface was developed for those who regularly solve typical searching problems. These queries are templates with definite information where a user should only insert the name of the company or a person. As a result of the search the information needed about this company or person will be displayed.
Please choose Информация о человеке:Биография from the list of typical queries.
Enter the surname and the first name of the person, in this case – Berezovsky Boris, then select “Mass Media” and “Who is Who” databases, date range “all dates” and click “Search”.
The following page will display all the sources with the information about Berezovsky’s biography. After we sort them by title the fragments of the documents with needed information can be viewed.
Thus we have got acquainted with Berezovsky biography data.
Step 4. Using service "Who?Where?When?" for the extraction of official information on the person
If you want to know the career history of this person you may use one more service “Who? Where? When?” This informational product enables you to use the Integrum factual database containing information from open sources about people and organizations employing them.
Click “Services” to the left and Choose “Who? Where? When?”. Enter the surname and click Search button.
Point your cursor at [] and get the list of regions mentioned in connection with the person. If you point at [
] you will see additional information on this person.
Symbol [] enables you to see the titles or even full text of documents, where this person is mentioned in connection with this position.
Thus, we may do a research about biography and the career history of any famous person ever mentioned in Russian mass media.