Relative statistics

The service Relative statistics enables users to find out a percentage of documents, which contained one object, on the number of documents, which contained the other object in each period of time. For example, we can find out in what percent of publications the name of a politician is mentioned with the name of the president.

Adding a new query to the group

For example, you’d like to find out, how often the famous Russian filmmaker Nikita Mikhalkov is mentioned in connection with his famous film “Burnt by the Sun”, which won the Oskar as the best film in foreign language in 1994.

Choose ADD in the section QUERY GROUPS in the second drop-down list and press OK. Name the new group, for example, Михалков и Утомленные солнцем.

Press add a query pair and enter the name in the upper window, for example, Михалков/ Утомленные солнцем.

Enter (Никита Михалков / фио) «Утомленные солнцем» 1994!д in the field Query 1, enter (Никита Михалков / фио) in the field Query 2 and press OK.

The query groups are automatically saved and can be added and renamed in further work.

Building search area

Choose a source set where you would like to conduct the search and make the comparative analysis. If the search area needs to be expanded, press Add a Source Set and after that press Sources at the following page. A Search Area Builder page will open in a separate window. To include the whole group of sources in your set, place the pointer on the left of the group name. Press Build.

If only some databases of this group should be included in your set, click the group name. For example, to add several information agencies in your set, click CIS Publications, uncheck the general pointer and set pointers only on the needed agencies. Press the Go on! Button and confirm your choice pressing Build at the Search Area Builder.

Before you press OK at the homepage of source selection, you should give a name to your  new source set. For example, Favorite CIS publications.

The set that you created will be saved and it can be used in further work.

To specify the search area, set pointers at the needed sets separately for each research.

Tip. If you want to see a separate line for  each source set, set a pointer at  separately for source sets.

Setting the date range

You can choose the date range in the upper section of interface. On default the date range is set to the last three months.

The entry form is the following:

Exact date (day, month, year) –, for example, 01.01.2001
accuracy to a month - mm.yyyy - 01.2001
accuracy to a year – yyyy - 2001

Enter the date range and choose the time interval in the drop-down list, for example, 1995  - 2000 , yearly.

Tip. The longer period you will set conducting a research, the wider time interval should be specified. For example, if the date range exceeds 12 months, a weekly time interval could not reveal the full information because of the graph limits. Weekly information maximum for the last five months will be shown. In this case it is better to set a monthly interval.

Forms of results presentation

Choose a form of results presentation in the right drop-down list. It can be a line (by default), a line with markers, columns or 3D columns.

Line building

When all the necessary search parameters have been set, press the Пуск (Start) button . In several seconds you will see a line which shows how often the name of the filmmaker Mikhalkov is mentioned together with his most famous film.

Tables building

You can get a report in different formats: Excel report, Text report or HTML report at the bottom of the interface.