Word beginning with a capital letter
Related word search
Words truncated from the right side
Word with constrained right side truncation
Operator AND
Operator OR
Operator NOT
Search with context modifiers



If you use a one-word query, all the database documents containing any form of this word (any number, case for a noun, tense, mood, person for a verb) will be relevant to it. The search engine will find all the documents, which contain any word form in a query.

query relevant fragment irrelevant fragment
налоги налог, налоги, налогов налоговый
льгота льгота, льготы, льгот. льготный
орлов Орлов, Орел, орел, орлы орлиный

Some documents can be viewed by Artefact as different word forms of different parts of language. For instance, all the documents containing any form of the word стекло as well as the documents containing any form of the word стечь will be relevant to the query стекло.

Artefact can break up some words into word components. For example, fragments авиаперевозки and авиационные перевозки will be relevant to query авиаперевозки.

Tip. If you want to find documents with a precise word form, use operator !t (cyrillic) or !e (latin) after a word in a query. for example: авиаперевозки!т (precise search).

Word beginning with a capital letter

All the database documents containing the word, beginning with a capital letter, will match that word. If the word in the query begins with a small letter, words starting with both capital and small letters will be retrieved.

query relevant fragment irrelevant fragment
Соловьев Соловьев,
соловей, соловьев
кузнецов кузнецов

Related word search

To search for related words, use !п after the word with no space in between. For example, if you make a query информация!п, the engine will also find the word информационный.


Words truncated from the right side

If you make a query from a word truncated from the right side, all the database documents, which contain the words truncated from the right side in a query, will be relevant to this query.

query relevant fragment irrelevant fragment
дипломат* дипломат, дипломатии, дипломатический диплом, дипломник
банк* банки, банковский, банок (от слова банка), банка Сбербанк
дорога* дорога, дорог (от норм. формы дорога), дорогая (от норм. формы дорогой) дорожный

Word with constrained right side truncation

Use the following combinations of symbols to indicate the acceptable number of letters after the truncated word form: !*N (number).

query relevant fragment irrelevant fragment
дипломат!*2 дипломат, дипломатии дипломатический (ический - 7 букв, больше 2)

Operator AND

Operator AND (and И и ) combines two or more words in one query and requires that the document contains all the specified words. For example, if you make a query развитие и торговля и Россия, all the documents containing at once the words развитие, торговля и Россия will be found.

Tip. If two words of a query are separated by spaces, artefact by default will consider them as combined by the operator and.

Operator OR

Operator OR (or ИЛИ или ) combines two or more words in one query and requires that the relevant document contains at least one word from the query. If you make a query инновация или новшество или нововведение, all the documents containing either the word инновация or новшество or нововведение will be found.

However, given that the precedence of AND and OR operators is not defined, it is necessary to use parenthesis to define their working areas in case both of them appear in one query. In other words, a query containing AND and OR operators without parenthesis, for example, влиятельный или авторитетный или важный и человек или лицо или личность will not be recognized. To make the correct query use the parenthesis: (влиятельный или авторитетный или важный) и (человек или лицо или личность).


Operator NOT

Operator NOT (not НЕ не) is placed in a query before a word, which shouldn’t be in the retrieved document. For example, if you make a query Медведев не Путин, all the documents about Medvedev with no references to Putin will be found.

Tip. If you need to find words и, или, не, and, or, not (for example, in quotation or in a sentence), the quotation marks should be used in a query: to be ”or” ”not” to be.

Search with context modifiers

To minimize information noise, you can search for words separated by a certain interval between them and arranged in a certain order.

Succession of several sentences

Context modifiers /п , /пN (Cyrillic), /s, /sN (Latin) where N represents the number of context sentences in succession are used to find words in a certain text fragment. For example, if you make a query развитие и экономика и Россия /п2, the documents, which contain the specified words maximum in two adjacent sentences, will be found. If N is absent, the search is implied in one sentence.

Context modifier /пN is only valid for the query placed in the brackets together with it. If no parenthesis placed - contextual modifier /пN is valid for the entire query.
For example, by the query (услуги или обслуживание) и (телекоммуникация или связь) /п you will find the documents, where at least one of the two words услуги, обслуживание and at least one of the two words телекоммуникация, связь will be situated in one sentence.

Documents containing a sentence with the words услуги and связь, and a sentence with the words качество and обслуживание will be relevant to the query (услуги и связь /п) и (качество и обслуживание /п) /п3. At the same time the two sentences should be a part of the succession of three sentences. In a particular case one sentence may contain all the four words of the query.

Succession of several words in one sentence

To make the query a bit stricter you can use the following modifiers: /cN, /CN (c C -Cyrillic), /wN, /WN (Latin), where N - number of context words arranged in succession. Usage of this combination means that the context is already modified to one sentence.

The query (услуги и связь /с3) и (качество и обслуживание /с3) /п3 means that not only the words услуги and связь, качество and обслуживание should be included in one sentence (one sentence for each pair of words), but each pair of words should be separated by not more than one word. At the same time there should be not more than three sentences.

Tip. Entering modifiers, / and \ are both acceptable symbols.

Operator of succession

Operator of succession :N (N – number) is used to find two or more words, separated by a certain interval between them and arranged in a certain order.

For example, using the query направления: 3 компании you will find the documents, in which the word направления is followed by the word компании, and there is an interval between them with not more than three words.

Tip. If you search for documents with the succession of words without any interval between them, you can put these words in quotation instead of using operator :0. Thus, the query генеральный :0 директор :0 компании will be equivalent to the query «генеральный директор компании».


Search by date

Integrum’s search engine is able to recognize date symbols in the documents. Different ways to specify the date are recognized. Thus, it identifies the 9 of May 1945 as an equivalent of 09.05.45.

The date in your query should be specified in a strict format.

YYYY!d - accuracy up to a year, where YYYY - four digits signifying the year. The symbol !d (!д) is necessary to specify the numeral as a date.

MM.YYYY!d - accuracy up to a month, where MM - two numerals signifying the month, YYYY - four numerals signifying the year.

DD.MM.YYYY!d - accuracy up to a day, where DD - two numerals signifying the day, MM - two numerals signifying the month, YYYY - four numerals signifying the year.

DD.MM.YYYY-DD.MM.YYYY!d - date range (from the first to the last inclusive).

Tip. Dates and date ranges of a query shall be entered without spaces.

The relevant documents to the query (пушкин и (1825!д или 1826!д) /п3) will contain the word Pushkin and indication of a year 1825 or 1826 in the context of three sentences that follow in succession.

Search for a date

Integrum allows searching for the date of any event with the help of an element @дата in your query.

Tip. It is more efficient to use the element @дата together with the description of the needed event and connect them with the context operator /п or /c (in one or some sentences or words, depending on situation).

If you make a query (переговоры Путин Буш Санкт-Петербург) @дата /п2, the following documents will be found:

. . . Президент США Джордж Буш посетит Россию с рабочим визитом 22 ноября нынешнего года по приглашению президента России Владимира Путина. Российско-американские переговоры пройдут в городе Пушкин под Санкт-Петербургом.

. . . Президент США Джордж Буш посетит Россию с официальным визитом 23 - 26 мая. Владимир Путин и Буш проведут серию переговоров в Москве, после чего саммит будет продолжен в неформальной обстановке в Санкт-Петербурге.



Search by numbers and numerical intervals

Similarly to the search for a certain date or a date range in text you can search for the numerical intervals in text. To find a document with a certain number you should write the figure with the element !n (!ч)  at the end. The number will be found in all the possible entry forms (for example, 3625120, 3 625 120, три миллиона шестьсот двадцать пять тысяч сто двадцать, 3 млн 625 тыс 120).

To find all the numbers from a certain numerical interval, you should specify the left and the right borders of the interval with the numerals connected with a hyphen and put at the end.

To find information on any premises from 50 to 100 thousand square meters, make a query 50000-100000!ч :3 («квадратный метр» или «кв м» или м2), the following documents will be found:

. . . Выставочный комплекс "Экспоцентр" на Красной Пресне имеет 50 тыс. кв. м закрытой и 30 тыс. открытой экспозиционной площади.

. . . Под сводами гигантского центра экспозиций "Палэкспо" на площади около 100 тысяч квадратных метров свои новейшие разработки представляют более 1000 фирм из полусотни стран.

Search for a number

Placing the symbol @число in the query, you will find all the documents, which contain any number. To find any value (the number of workers, sales volume, investments volume, production increase, …), add element @число to the query.

If you make a query «объем прямых инвестиций» (Россия или российский) @число /п, all the documents containing the numerical information, will be found, for example:

...в России весь накопленный (с 1992 года) объем прямых инвестиций - 8,7 млрд долларов.

Furthermore, similarly to the dates you can make a query about numerical interval with two (from and to) or with one border (all numbers are more or less than the definite).



Search by name

If you search information on a certain person, you should enter a surname, name, patronymic or initials in the query window; place an element /фио at the end and put all the expression in parentheses.  For example, (Анатолий Борисович Чубайс / фио) or (Анатолий Чубайс /фио) or (А Чубайс /фио). All the references to the needed person with any entry form will be found. Thus, if you make a query (Анатолий Борисович Чубайс / фио), you will find the documents with references to Анатолий Борисович Чубайс, Анатолий Чубайс, Чубайс Анатолий Борисович, А.Б. Чубайс and even Чубайс or Анатолий Борисович, if during a document search it was defined that the retrieved Анатолий Борисович has a surname Чубайс.

Thereby, using the convenient option (…/ фио) in the query you will get precise and full search results.

Tip. For conducting the search for any information on a certain person by name you can use Integrum's advanced interface. Also Integrum has a specific interface Person (FIO), created specially for this kind of search.

Search for a name

Using the option @фио, you will find the mentioning of any person that is connected with the needed event or the object. This option helps to find out, who takes a certain position in a certain organization, who submitted a certain draft law in Duma for consideration, who is the richest man in Russia and gives answers to many other who? questions.

If you make a query «министр обороны РФ» :3 @фио, the following documents will be found:

. . Об этом министр обороны РФ Анатолий Сердюков сообщил нашим читателям в беседе с главным редактором еженедельника «Аргументы и факты» Николаем Зятьковым.

. . С приходом на должность министра обороны РФ А.Э. Сердюкова все организационные, финансовые вопросы решены и развернута работа по подготовке 12-томной истории Великой Отечественной войны.
